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柱坑 counterbore
柱坑孔 counterbored hole
反轉  counterevolution
反轉  counterrotation
錐坑 countersink
埋頭 countersunk head
埋頭鉚釘 countersunk head rivet
埋頭鉚釘 countersunk head screw
錐坑 孔 countersunk hole
管接頭,聯結器 coupling
書面紙 cover paper
牛角體 cow's horn
週節 CP(circular pitch)
牛皮紙 craft paper
杠架,板條箱 crate crest
<<eng002>> crest
螺紋大徑 crest diameter
螺紋大徑公差 crest diameter tolerance
螺紋大徑公差符號 crest diameter tolerance symbol
螺紋<<eng002>>線 crest line
曲合,摺疊,捲縮 crimp
臨界公差 critial tolerance
關鍵的,重要的 critical
關鍵尺寸 critical dimension
臨介面 critical plane
轉向點 critical point
獨立線(電) critical wire
十字形,十字接頭,四通 cross
橫割 cross cutting
橫剖面 cross section
陰線區域 crosshatched area
剖面線,科行紋線 crosshatching line
交叉 crossing
方格紙 cross-section paper
橫 剖面形狀 cross-sectional shape
隆重起 crown
堡形螺帽 crown nut,castle nut
中心距 CRS(centres)
冷軋鋼 CRS(cold-rolled steel)
碳鋼 CS(carbon steel)
鑄鋼 CS(cast steel)
錐坑 C'sink(countersink)
錐坑 csk(CSK,countersink)
對面錐坑 CSK-O(countersink other side)
鑄件 CSTG(castings)
立方體 cube
耕作地 cultivated land
累積公差 cumulative tolerance
杯狀接頭 cup joint
曲率 curvature
曲線 curve
曲線長 curve length
曲線板,雲形板 curve plate
曲線規 curve ruler
曲準線 curved diretrix
曲線 curved line
曲線規 curved rule
曲面體 curved solid
曲線筆劃(字母) curved stroke
曲面體 curved surface
成套曲線板 curves
曲準線 curvilinear directrix
曲元線 curvilinear element
曲動線 curvilinear generatrix
曲線計 curvimeter
嘗試法 cut and try method
截口 cut section
剖面 cut surface
切螺紋 cut thread
割面線 cutting line
割面 cutting plane
割面線 cutting plane line
割面法(求交線) cutting-plane method
割面符號 cutting-plane symbol
割球法(求交線) cutting-sphere-method
C形墊圈 C-washer
旋轉拋物線面 cyclic paraboloid
圓內接四邊形 cyclic quardrilateral
擺u cycloid
擺u齒輪 cycloidal gear
圓柱 CYL(cyl,cylinder)
柱,圓柱 cylinder
圓柱軸線 cylinder axis
圓柱底 cylinder bottom
基準圓柱 cylindrical datum
圓柱體配合 cylindrical fit
柱形螺旋體 cylindrical helicoid
柱形螺旋體 cylindrical helix
柱形斜螺旋體 cylindrical oblique helicoid
柱形直螺旋體 cylindrical right helicoid
圓柱體 cylindrical surface
圓柱形公差域 cylindrical tolerance zone
圓柱度 cylindricity
圓柱性面 cylindroid
直流電動機控制器 D C motor controller
壓鑄件 D cast,die casting
直徑 D(diameter)
陰暗面 dark face
顏色加深,線條加粗 darken
短劃 dash
虛線圓 dashed circle
虛線 dashed line
分號,分件號 dashed number
數據 data
日期 date
基準 datum
基準尺寸注法 datum dimensioning
基準邊 datum edge
基準形態 datum feature
基準識別符號 datum identifying symbol
基準平面 datum level
基準線 datum line
基準平面 datum plane
基準點 datum point
基準面 datum surface
基準軸線 datumaxis
製圖室 dawing office
直流電 DC(d-c,direct current)
靜負荷 dead load
潔白 dead white
構想草圖 deagrammatic sketch
十邊形 decagon
十邊形落葉林 deciduous trees
小數 decimal
小尺寸注法 decimal dimensioning
小數當量 decimal equivalent
分數之小數當量 decimal equivalent of fraction dimensions
分數小數並用制 decimal fraction system
小數點 decimal marker
度的小數 decimal parts of a degree
小數倍數 decimal places
小數點 decimal point
小數刻度 decimal scale
小數尺寸 decimal size
小數制 decimal system
偏差,偏角 declinatin
斜面傾斜 declivity
裝飾 decoration
減低 decrease
不足面積 deficit area
指定轉折(熔接) definite break
齊頭線(斜紋線) definite end lines
偏向角度 deflection angle
度,程度 degree
硬度(鉛筆) degree mark
彎度 degree of curvature
偏心度 degree of hardness
度數符號 deletion
刪除 delineate
畫輪廊 delineation
分隔線 demarcation
掛圖,展示圖 demonstration
小圖紙 demy paper
名數 denominate number
分母 denominator
經距 departures
因變數 dependent variable
下陷 depression
深度 depth
深度軸線 depth axis
深度方向 depth direction
測深規 depth gage
測深分釐卡 depth micrometer
去角深度(熔接) depth of chamfering
鑽孔深度 depth of drill
拋物線深度 depth of parabola
熔接槽深度 depth of preparation
預鑽孔深(攻螺紋用) depth of tap drill
螺孔深度 depth of tapped hole
螺紋深度 depth of thread
螺紋大小徑間隔 depth of thread spacing
深度尺 depth rule
伸尾部分(字母) descender
描繪 describe
畫圓,動圓 describing circle
畫法幾何,投影幾何 descrip tive geometry
注釋,說明 descriptive note
設計 design
設計圖表 design chart
設計圖表 design drawing
設計工程師 design engineer
設計圖表 design layout
設計字法(建築) design lettering
設計尺寸 design size
設計草圖 design sketch
說明 designation
設計者 designer
詳細,細目,零件 detail
零件圖,群圖 detail drawing
零件圖號 detail drawing number
繪圖紙 detail paper
詳細圖 detail plan
零件藍圖 detail print
零件圖 detail sheet
詳細草圖 detail sketch
細部剖面 detailed section
二極檢波器(電) detctor diode
岐路 detour
可展開者 developable
展開,展開圖 developed view
展開圖 development
偏差,尺寸差,偏向 deviation
直徑 DIA(diameter)
對角線 DIAG(diagonal)
線圖 DIAG(diagram)
對角線 diagonal
對角分割 diagonal division
對角面 diagonal plane
斜有分劃心 diagonal scale
線圖,圖 diagram
線圖,圖 diagram drawing
構想草圖 diagrammatic arragnement
線圖圖表 diagrammatic chart
線圖形式 diagrammatic form
單線管系圖 diagrammatic piping drawing
單線表示法 diagrammatic representation
繪圖器,分度尺 diagraph
針盤比測器 dial compartor
針盤指示器 dial indicator
直徑 diameter
影印法 diaxo process
模,螺模 die
數元 digit
二面角 dihedral angle
顏色衝淡 diluting of color
尺寸 DIM(dimension)
尺寸,尺度,因次,度維 dimension
尺寸數字 dimension figure
尺寸形式 dimension forms
加方框的尺寸 dimension included in frame
尺寸線 dimension line
大小尺寸 dimension of size
尺寸控制 dimensional control
尺寸限界 dimensional limit
尺寸標注 dimensioning
尺寸弦長注法 dimensioning across the chord
角度標注法 dimensioning angles
尺寸弧長注法 dimensioning around the arc
坐標標注[曲線]尺寸法 dimensioning by coordinates
支距標注[曲線]尺寸法 dimensioning by offsets
坐標標注[曲線]尺寸法 dimensioning by ordinates
半徑標注[曲線]尺寸法 dimensioning by radii
尺寸線 dimensioning lines
的尺寸標注法 dimensioning of circle
比例尺 dimensioning scale
標準形體注尺寸法 dimensioning standard feature
錐度標注 dimensioning taper
注尺寸用模板 dimensioning template
二等角投影 dimentric projection
二等角 dimetric angle
二等角圖 dimetric drawing
二等角橢圓模板 dimetric ellipses template
二等角比例尺 dimetric scale
德國工業標準 DIN(Deutsche Industrie Normen)
二極管(電) diode
傾斜,傾角,俯角 dip
傾角,俯角 dip angle
直流電動機控制器 direct current
直接注入尺寸 direct dimensioning size
直接注入公差 direct tolerancing
順流標 direct vernier
準平面 directing plane
方向 direction
刀紋方向 direction of lay
平面方向 direction of plane
錐度方向 direction of taper
齒跡方向 direction of teeth
黑白曬圖 directo print
準面,導面 director
投影線法(透視圖) direct-projection method
準線 directrix
欠對準,示對準 disalignment
隔離開關(電) disconnecting switch
說明 discripption
描述圖 discriptive graph
展示,陳列 display
展示圖 display drawing
移位 disposition
距離 DIST(distance)
距離 distance
對邊距離 distance across flats
配線圖 distribution diagram
配電盤 distribution pannel board
同上 ditto
細節省略線 ditto line,repeat line
酒精複印機 ditto machine
除 divided
分規 divider
分規針腳 divider leg
分界線 dividing line
分數分劃線 dividing line of fraction
分數分劃線 division bar
圖目 DL(drawing list)
鑽,鑽孔 DL(drill)
十二邊形 dodecagon
十二面體 dodechedron
主要細節 dominant detail
門窗表 door schedule
雙列鉚釘對接 doouble-riveted butt joint
圓點 dot
連線 dot-and-dash line
虛線剖面線 dotted crosshatching
點線字母 dotted letter
點線字母 dotted line
虛線筆 dotted line pen
虛線剖面線 dotted section
四斜邊尺 double bevel scale
雙曲率 double curvature
複曲面 double curvatured suface
皮帶輪的雙彎幅 double curved arm of pulley
複曲率 double curved line
複曲面 double curved surface
肇轉複曲面 double curved surface of revolution
變位複曲面 double curved surface of transposition
英式最大圖紙大小(40''x27'') double elephant size
加倍特強管 double extra strond pipe
人字齒 double helical teeth
複雙曲面 double hyperboloid
複投影面投影 double plane projection
雙極雙投開關 double pole double throw switch
雙直紋面 double ruled surface
雙直線翹曲面 double ruled warped surface
雙倍比例尺 double size
雙紋螺紋 double start screw thread
雙列對接 double strap buttjoint
雙紋螺紋 double thread
複遊標 double vernier
雙列鉚釘搭接 double-riveted lap joint
燕尾 dovetail
燕尾槽 dovetail groove
燕尾縫 dovetail seam
合釘,定位銷 dowel
下傾角 downward inclination
徑節 DP(diametial pitch)
製圖者 DR(drawn by)
鑽,鑽孔 DR(drill)
設計圖,草圖 draft
拔模角 draft angle
拔模斜度 draft taper
製圖膠帶 draftin tape
製圖 drafting
製圖板 drafting board
製圖膠片 drafting film
製圖儀,繪圖儀 drafting machine
製圖法 drafting method
圖紙 drafting paper
製圖室 drafting room
製圖室記錄 drafting room record
製圖桌 drafting table
製圖室標準 drafting-room standard
製圖員 draftsman
製圖鉛筆 draftsman's pencil
比例尺 draftsman'scale
製圖術 draftsmanship
排水管,排洩口 drain
圖,圖樣,製圖 drawing
製圖板 drawing board
圖上表示法 drawing callout
製圖布 drawing cloth
製圖圓規 drawing compass
製圖桌 drawing desk,drawing table
製圖墨水 drawing ink
製圖儀器 drawing instruments
製圖刮刀 drawing knife
製圖材料 drawing material
圖號 drawing number
製程中途圖 drawing of an intermediate step
圖紙 drawing paper
製圖筆,鴨嘴筆,針筆 drawing pen
製圖鉛筆 drawing pencil
製圖筆尖 drawing pennib
圖釘 drawing pin
製圖用尺寸比例 drawing proportion
製圖室 drawing room
製圖比例尺 drawing scale
圖紙 drawing sheet
圖紙大小 drawing sheet size
圖的大小 drawing size
圖注 drawing statement
製圖符號 drawing symbol
製圖桌 drawing table,drawing desk
製圖技術 drawing technique
照比例繪製 drawing to scale
鑽,鑽孔 drill
鑽尖 drill point
鑽孔 drilled hole
鑽 drilling
降角 drop angle
落鍛 drop forging
下伸線(小楷字母) drop line
點圓規 drop pen
點圓規 dropbow compass
列表零件圖 drqwing of similar
氣密直管螺紋 dryseal straight pipe thread
氣密斜管螺紋 dryseal taper pipe thread
設計 DSGN(design)
零件圖 DTL DWG(detail drawing)
雙尺寸注法(公制與英制) dual dimensioning
雙比例尺(同一視圖上) dual scales
堆熔接 dual weld
壓塊 ducks
導管,纜套,溝 duct
延性獵狼者 ductile[cast] iron
鑄鐵 ductility
延展性 dull side of paper
圖紙無光澤面 dummy model
草稿模型 duplicate dimension
複印 duplicating
複製尺寸 duplicating racing
拭塵布 dust cloth
除塵刷,吸塵器,拭筆布 duster
除塵刷 dusting brush
圖,製圖 DWG(drawing)
製圖者 DWN(drawn by)
全長 E to E(end to end)
件,每件 EA(each)
接地端子(電) earth terminal
地線(電) earth wire
接地(電) earthing
土方工程 earthwork
習用比例 easy drawing proportion
偏心度 eccentricity
電工符號 eclectrical symbol
邊,邊線,稜 edge
邊距 edge distance
邊緣接合 edge joint
面的邊 edge of a surface
邊視圖 edge view
邊視圖法 edge view method
摺邊 edging
愛迪生螺紋,淺圓螺紋 Edison[screw] thread
展開立面圖 edvelopment elevatin
螺紋節徑 effective diameter
節徑上螺 旋角 effective helix angle
熔接道有效長度 effective length of weld
卵形 egg-shape
孔的下偏差 EI(lower deviation of a hole)
軸的下偏差 ei(lower deviation of a shaft)
八[圓]心橢圓 eight center ellipse
1/8=1'比例尺 eighth scale
11/2=11/2比例尺,英式八開圖紙大小13.5X10 eighth size
八[圓]心橢圓法 eight-point method
肘接頭 elbow
曲折滑動接縫,肝管接縫 elbow slip joint
電動橡皮擦 electric erasing machine
電絕緣 electric insulation
電動削鉛筆機 electric sharpener
線路圖(電) electrical diagram
電工圖 electrical drawing
電路佈置圖 electrical layout
電路佈置圖 electrical plan
電極 electrode
電解整流器 electrolytic rectifier
電子線路圖 electronic diagram
電子圖 electronic drawing
電子系統圖 electronic scheatic diagram
電子管 electronic tube
元線,元件 element
元線 element line
首次衍生元線 element of first generation
再次衍生元線 element of second generation
單線圖(電) elementary diagram
前視圖,立面圖,標高(海拔) elevation
仰角 elevation angle
立面輔助視圖 elevation auxiliary
立面輔助視圖 elevation auxiliary view
立面斜視圖 elevation oblique drawing
立面圖 elevational drawing elimination
消去,除去 ellipse
橢圓 ellipse letters
橢圓形字母 ellipse template
橢圓模板 ellipsograph
橢圓規 ellipsoid
橢球面,橢球體 ellipsoid of revolution
旋轉橢球面,旋轉橢球體 ellipsoidal coordinate
橢圓體坐標 elliptic coordinate
橢圓柱 elliptic cylinder
橢性拋物面 elliptic paraboloid
橢性雙曲面 elliptical hyperboloid
砂紙 emery paper
射極(電) emitter section
經驗設計 empirical design
經驗公式 empirical equation
經驗規則 empirical rule
外切矩形 enclosing rectangle
側視圖,側立面圖 end elevation
端點,終點 end point
端頂 end roof
端面 end suface
端視圖 end view
成品圖 end-product drawing
成品要求 end-product requirement
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